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EBooks or paperback?

I came across a question the other day and it made me think for a bit. EBooks or paper books? Well I think the answer comes down to the person, and every person will have their own opinion about it. Personally, I like both, though I lean towards a good paperback.


There’s always that feeling about a book in my hands that’s just comforting. I even enjoy the smell of a book, as odd as that might sound. During winter, if you look into my jacket pocket you’ll always find me with a book inside of it. Actually, now thinking about it, when I bought that winter jacket I made sure it was big enough for a good sized paperback.


All that said, there’s definitely got to be some love for eBooks. A device, be it a computer, tablet, or phone, that can hold thousands upon thousands of books. I mean I love my books, but every other year I look at my shelves and start wondering if I need to go out and buy a new one. With a tablet, or even just your phone, it’s all right there and you can take it anywhere. One thing I do dislike about eBooks is the fact I’m looking at a screen. Often times I feel my eyes are hurting after not too long and I need a break, something I don’t often get when reading paperbacks.


Otherwise its plain and simple folks, choose what works best for you, especially when it works best for you. I like carrying around a book, but I keep a few extra books to read on my phone just in case I finish said book or I forget one altogether. Best of both worlds right?