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Codex Alera Book 4 Captains Fury

Pulling through the invasion by the canim, we find Tavi holding the territory as the rebelling by Lord Kalare is still on going. Reinforcements arrive but at their head comes Senator Amos, who refuses to listen to the advice given by Tavi. Also during this time Tavi learns about his background, that his mother was Aunt Isana and that his father was Gauis Septimus. As Senator Amos demands that everyone eradicate the enemy, Tavi wants to find a more peaceful solution. Troubles arise from there.

Amara and Bernard are asked upon a very secret mission to help the First Lord end the rebellion and deal with more important issues. This mission will push them physically and mentally, with dangers all around them. Loyalties will also be pushed to their edge.

What to say about this book? Hmm hmm hmm. I enjoyed it, well written, good pacing. No surprise there, Jim Butcher is excellent when it comes to that. I think my issue becomes that I wanted something more tense and it wasn’t there. There is build up, there are tense moments perhaps, but as in my previous review because I feel I know how it will turn out, I’m not concerned, merely interested.

There are ups and downs though. I think I greatly enjoyed the storyline with Bernard, Amara, and the First Lord. What happens and the fall out I think were quite nicely put. I also enjoyed the whole Fidelias/Marcus story plot. Makes me wonder if they shouldn’t have called this Loyalties Fury instead.

On the downside I absolutely cringed at the fight between Tavi and Navaris. I just didn’t feel like it would turn out like that. Yes Tavi would win but… Not like that. Not from someone who is a trained killer.

Still a good read though, and still an enjoyable series.


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